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Presented by the class of 1969 AQ Color Guard

Father John Whitley
This dedication appeared in the 1966 Arete Yearbook
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description goes hereIt has taken some four decades of hard work to build the great tradition that is Aquinas. This has been accomplished only through the efforts of those men who have given entirely of themselves — men such as Father John R. Whitley.

His dedication and love for Aquinas and everyone connected with the school is manifested in his every action. As the Director of the Library he aids in keeping the academic facilities of the school at a more than adequate level of efficiency. As teacher and priest he attempts to forge young boys into young men of whom Aquinas can be proud. As Director of our Color Guard, he has helped successfully to mold it into a unit on a par with any other color guard in the state. And as Director of Publicity he never misses an opportunity to broadcast to the world his sincere feeling that Aquinas is the greatest.

But it is as a person that Father Whitley makes his outstanding contribution to the school. His devotion to the school coupled with his exuberant energy constitutes a highly contagious spirit which, through his pep talks, never fails to enliven the students' school spirit, whether Aquinas is the victor or the victim. And his seemingly endless good humor and clowning keeps everyone in good spirits.

To Father Whitley, therefore, in humble appreciation for all he has done, we, the students of Aquinas Institute, dedicate this Arete of 1966.



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Aquinas Alumni Color Guard
Guest Book
Father Whitley Dedication
A Trip Down Memory Lane
News About Other Color Guards
Food For Thought
Recent Photos
Class Of 65
Class Of 66
Class Of 67
Class Of 68
Class Of 69
Class Of 70
Class Of 71
Class Of 72
Class Of 73


Class Of 1969 Video #1
Class Of 1969 Video #2
Class of 1967 Video '66 Nationals
Class Of 1973 Video Cicero '74
Class of 1973 Video Lemoyne '74
Class of 1973 Video Sherburne '73
Drill Team For Retired Guys


Memorable Moments

  • If you have any you want to share please e-mail them to me and I will post them on the website


Links to other Color Guard and Band Sites


Link to Aquinas Institute Site


Links To Other Sites


 AQ Images


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ICGC Patch courtesy of Phil Knight '70


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Last Updated Thursday, July 04, 2013