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Presented by the class of 1969 AQ Color Guard

Mike Maiuri contributor

Color Guard 1965

Along with traditional sports, debating and band competitions, color guard activities have become an increasing more important element at Aquinas.

Now in its third year of competition, the Aquinas Guard is pointing for both state and national titles during the summer months. During the winter season the seventeen-man Guard participated in contests throughout New York State and Canada. Currently its record shows five first place trophies and a third place win. The latter was won in a state invitational contest with two members of the Aquinas Guard ill.

Morale, spirit de corps and a sense of accomplishment are perhaps intangible bit more important products of the Guard rivalry than the trophies and accolades which soon find there way to the bottom of dusty bureau drawers.

Exhibiting drive, poise and plenty of color, the championship Aquinas Color Guard is a welcome addition to the Aquinas scene.

Band 1965

The Aquinas Institute Marching Band, holder of a score of honors and awards, has grown overt the past thirty years to a superbly trained organization capable of dealing with the most difficult symphonic works as well as stirring marches. In state and national competitions, the band consistently has brought credit to the school.

Although most of the marching music of the band is arranged by its director, Rev, Cyril R Udall, C.S.B., it is not unusual for the band to perform arrangements by band members.

Often called upon to perform at civic functions, football games and band competitions, the Aquinas Marching Band presents an exciting show. From the first fanfare that sends ceremonial chords cascading from their furnished horns, the red, white and black uniformed musicians keep their audiences enthralled. To make their performance look as splendid as it sounds, the bandsmen march and countermarch, wheel and turn in fluid patterns in spectacular fashion.


Graduating Color Guard Class of 1965

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Aquinas Alumni Color Guard
Guest Book
Father Whitley Dedication
A Trip Down Memory Lane
News About Other Color Guards
Food For Thought
Recent Photos
Class Of 65
Class Of 66
Class Of 67
Class Of 68
Class Of 69
Class Of 70
Class Of 71
Class Of 72
Class Of 73


Class Of 1969 Video #1
Class Of 1969 Video #2
Class of 1967 Video '66 Nationals
Class Of 1973 Video Cicero '74
Class of 1973 Video Lemoyne '74
Class of 1973 Video Sherburne '73
Drill Team For Retired Guys


Memorable Moments

  • If you have any you want to share please e-mail them to me and I will post them on the website


Links to other Color Guard and Band Sites


Link to Aquinas Institute Site


Links To Other Sites


 AQ Images


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ICGC Patch courtesy of Phil Knight '70


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Last Updated Thursday, July 04, 2013