Graduating Color Guard Class
of 1969

Jim Allen (Captain)
Resides in Pittsburgh, PA

Bob Andrews (Rifle)
Resides in Rochester, NY

Bob Colby (Flag)
Resides in Marietta, GA

Bill Correnti (Rifle)
Resides in Wilmington, NC

Tom Cottrone (Flag)
Resides in Rochester, NY

Jim Curtis (Flag)
Resides in Lubbock, TX

Terry Gleason (Flag
Resides in Knightdale, NC

Dan Kinney (Flag)
Resides in Durham, NC

Wayne Rabideau (Flag)
Resides in Racine, WI

Dave Rigby (Drummer)
Resides in
Coral, FL

Ricotta (Color Guard Flag '66, '67) Resides in Tucson, AZ

Three members of the class of 1969 drove 4 hrs
each from our homes in North Carolina and Atlanta, GA to Columbia,
SC on Saturday May 17th, 2008 to relive our glory days. Yes
we are still wild and crazy and a lot poorer with the price
of gas hovering around $4.00 a gallon.
But it was a good time and we promised we would do it again.
From let to right Dan Kinney, Bob Colby and Bill Correnti.